We identify sales opportunities in the traditional vehicle business, support the initiation of strategic partnerships, and drive sustainability projects. Here is a selection of our projects:
- New Sales 2030: overall sales strategy 2030 for the Volkswagen Group
- MAN Charging: MAN’s entry into the truck charging market and with solutions for end users
- Audi semiconductors: strategic positioning of Audi in the semiconductor market, with a strong role beyond pure supplier relationships
- Group-wide battery strategy: alignment of the Group with the optimum balance between scaling and specificity
- PowerCo R&D: Derivation of the cell product portfolio of the Group subsidiary PowerCo, against the backdrop of faster technological leaps in the battery market
- Development of new business models, for example, in the areas of charging, mobility services, and data marketing
- Decarbonization (targets, green energy, compensation), biodiversity, and circularity projects